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The Eve of June

(May 31, 1990)

[Companion to "The Greening Spring"]

night's chill,
the fog lifts
with the rising sun.
Sweet Williams (pink, white, lavender)
crowd corners, just without trees' reach;
glad daisies stretch for the warming sunshine;
and flags fly on neat lawns, stately assemblies.
Mothering earth breathes free on the Eve of June.
Little children, clad for the heat after noon,
shiver in shorts in short straggly lines,
stamping, as everyday, for school's bus,
champing today for school's end,
telling me, tolling me:
precious springtime passes
oh too

E. L. Core

to Dad

© 1990 ELC

Some Poetry by E. L. Core: Spring
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Webpage © 1996-2000 ELC The Webster Lane Core Jr.
(Created June 22, 1996; revised May 12, 2000)